Recently I came across this article which fascinated me…
Regarding this new implementation, I believe it would be beneficial to create a campaign around this new technology in the cars listed in the above article.
Smart Speed Awareness Campaign

Dynamic In-App Messaging
Leverage GPS-enabled navigation apps like Google Maps and Waze to deliver real-time safety messages:

- When speeding is detected, trigger audio alerts: "Slow down. Driving at 70 km/h instead of 60 km/h only saves 1.5 minutes over 10 km, but significantly increases accident risk." *this message would be custom-generated to how fast the driver is going, what they should be going, and the time they are saving, with a personalised risk*
- Approaching speed cameras: "Speed camera ahead. Maintain 60 km/h. Remember, slight speed increases dramatically raise collision danger."

End-of-Trip Reports
Implement a post-journey summary feature:
- Display total time spent speeding
- Calculate potential time saved vs. increased accident risk
- Provide personalized safety tips based on driving behaviour

Targeted Radio Ads
Partner with local radio stations to air safety messages during peak driving times:
- "It's 8:15 AM. Rushing to work? Remember, speeding only saves minutes but risks lives."
- Use traffic report segments to reinforce speed limit adherence

Integrated Outdoor Advertising
Smart Billboards
Install digital billboards that display context-aware messages:
- During rush hour: "Impatient drivers aren't intelligent drivers. Stick to 60 km/h."
- Late at night: "Tired? Slow down. reaction times increase with speed and fatigue."

Metrolite Displays in conjunction with In-App audio messaging
Place digital displays near speed limit signs:
- Rotate messages like "60 km/h limit. Smart drivers know it's safer and barely slower."
- Display real-time statistics: "X% of drivers on this road are speeding right now. Don't be one of them."

Repetition and Consistency -> Ensure message consistency across all platforms:
- Use the campaign slogan "Are We Now Too Impatient to Be Intelligent?" across all media
- Consistently emphasize the 1.5-minute time saving vs. increased risk message

Social Media Integration
- Create shareable infographics comparing time saved to risk increase
- Encourage users to post their end-of-trip safety scores, fostering friendly competition

Personalised Engagement​​​​​​​
Opt-In SMS Program
- Allow drivers to sign up for daily safety reminders
- Send personalised messages based on common routes and typical driving times

(Gamification Elements)
- Develop a points system rewarding consistent safe driving
- Partner with insurance, rego, and car dealership companies to offer discounts for high safety scores.

By leveraging real-time data and personalized messaging across multiple platforms, this expanded campaign strategy aims to create a pervasive culture of road safety awareness. The integration of digital technology with traditional advertising methods ensures that drivers receive consistent, timely reminders about the minimal benefits and significant risks of speeding.

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